The Namibian government is at an advanced stage in the reform of the Public Service Employee Medical Aid Scheme (PSEMAS).
This is to ensure that the N$3.2 billion the government spends annually is geared towards improving the public health sector and various services, which include upgrading health facilities and providing critical resources such as ambulances.
Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says that PSEMAS has been abused by its members and the service providers, who at times claimed for services not rendered.
Councillors who attended an engagement with the Prime Minister during a courtesy visit to Omaheke Regional Council Leadership recently shared some challenges they face in their constituencies with the Premier.
Among these challenges are the long distances people must travel to access health care, the scarcity of ambulances, and the lack of health facilities, which puts a strain on the only state hospital in the region.
Kuugongelwa-Amadhila assured the councillors that they are currently busy engaging the ministries of Finance and Health.