Central Procurement Board denies corruption allegations 


The Central Procurement Board of Namibia (CPBN) has refuted allegations that it corruptly awarded an unadvertised multimillion-dollar tender to a local pharmaceutical company, Fabupharm.

Activist Michael Amushelelo alleged on social media that the N$451 million tender was corruptly awarded and was facilitated by Finance and Public Enterprises Minister Iipumbu Shiimi. 

Financial constraints limit people with visual impairment to own white canes


Financial constraints are the leading cause of people with visual impairments not being able to own white canes.

To address this situation, the Eastern Association for the Visually Impaired in the Zambezi Region is appealing to the business community and other stakeholders to help those in need.

In marking White Cane Day, members of the association marched to Kamunu Village, where they celebrated through various activities, including braille reading, dancing, and a demonstration of how they go about their day-to-day lives while relying on their canes.

Prime Minister assures to improve public health


The Namibian government is at an advanced stage in the reform of the Public Service Employee Medical Aid Scheme (PSEMAS).

This is to ensure that the N$3.2 billion the government spends annually is geared towards improving the public health sector and various services, which include upgrading health facilities and providing critical resources such as ambulances.

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says that PSEMAS has been abused by its members and the service providers, who at times claimed for services not rendered.