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Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Derek Klazen is concerned about labour unrest in the fishing industry.

Minister Klazen was addressing union representatives and fishing industry leaders at the launch of the National Fish Consumption Day at Walvis Bay.

Klazen specifically referred to a union which allegedly convinced more than 600 workers to unlawfully resign on 29 August.

The government, after negotiating with fishing companies, managed to get the workers employed in 2020 and 2021 in exchange for fishing quotas.

The workers lost their jobs in 2015 after they participated in an illegal strike.

"While we, as a ministry, are busy investigating the issue, we are engaging on the issue, but employees resigned. If you resign, it means you lose your job. You are at home. You are not going to be paid. What about your poor kids? Just go back to your work, try to get your work back, and stop this resigning business. Let us, as the ministry, take care of this business," said Klazen.

The Board Chairperson of the Namibia Fish Consumption and Promotion Trust, Susan Ndjaleka, called on industry leaders, the ministries of Labour and Fisheries, as well as unions, to finalise the negotiations for a minimum wage and reduce labour unrest. "We are tired of people standing on their knees to ask for an increment. We are tired for the executives of the fishing industry having sleepless nights doing calculations under certain standards. This sector celebrates Workers' Day each and every year. Let's improve our collaboration to make this industry survive".

Photo Credits
Renate Rengura