Residents of Katima Mulilo Rural's Muyako village are pleading with the government to build a clinic that was promised years ago.
Residents now receive all medical services in what was meant to be housing for nurses.
What was once the village clinic is now an abandoned building after services were moved into the house.
The two nurses at the clinic share the remaining two bedrooms in a two-bedroom house while they wait for a third nurse to join them.
The temporary clinic consists of makeshift consultation rooms, which also serve as a ward for pregnant women.
What was supposed to be a shower is now a dressing room for patients.
Patients say they are forced to sit in the scorching sun as they wait to be attended to.
This is further exacerbated by the limited number of nurses.
One resident, Noreen Sitali, says surrounding areas such as Zilitene, Kwena, Iseke, Ngala, and Ikoma also rely on the Muyako clinic.
"Back then, when we only had one nurse and she had to go collect medication, the clinic would have to be closed. All the areas I mentioned before moved, and they made use of ours right here. What we are saying is that our service is very poor."
Charles Simasiku, a member of the Village Development Committee, said they were promised a standard clinic in 2010. However, engagements between the Ministry of Health and Social Services and the councillors yielded no results.
"You will find that some patients sleep on the verandas, there is not even a waiting area. We have tried and asked for shelter, but we did not receive anything, not even a container, we did not receive anything at all."
Simasiku adds that clinics in Ngoma, Lusese, Linyanti, and Kasheshe, which he said were planned around the same time, have now been completed, leaving only Muyako.
The village induna, Patrick Matengu, says he was disappointed with the lack of development at Muyako Village, even after the land was made available for a clinic to be built there.
"We insisted that medicine should be brought to us because our people were now being forced to travel to Bukalo daily for medical attention, and it is for that reason that one of the two houses where they are currently treating patients was made available. Had we just left things as they were and not said anything about it, our people would be far worse off than the current condition."
Given the severity of the situation, Matengu would like to see change before the incumbent President leaves office.