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The House of Hope project, which was initially meant for senior citizens at Bethanie Village to own homes, has opened its doors to local young people.

The project was initiated eight years ago by the Bethanie Village Council, in partnership with local commercial farmer, Jorg Gaugler.

The Village Council's political office bearer, Konrad Beukes, told nbc News the social housing project aims to address the housing backlog in the village.

Beneficiaries only need to contribute N$15,000 which goes towards labour and building material costs.

"It is a PPP that's working. It started when a farmer in our community felt that God gave him the vision to assist the government and the local authorities here in Bethanie with this housing backlog. He came to the council and asked the council how he could help. We immediately partnered with the farmer, and we invited and consulted with the community. In the beginning, there was a lot of interest. Even today, a lot of people take part in this program. At first, we only started with people sixty and older, but then we saw that most of the elderly live with young people who are working outside in the mines or on the farms, so we said let's also open up for the young people."

Photo Credits
Capital News
Luqman Cloete