The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia's (CRAN)Chief Executive Officer, Emilia Nghikembua said the regulator is preparing to issue spectrum for 5G in March 2023 along with a consumer awareness campaign to address myths, misconceptions and misinformation around 5G.

In a media statement, Nghikembua indicated that the regulator will do more work around the promotion of technological innovation, improved quality of service and customer experience. 

CRAN will also issue more spectrum for the deployment of digital infrastructure to ensure that the cost to customers for services and devices are reasonable and affordable. 

According to CRAN's 2021 Telecommunications market report, population coverage stands at 85% for 4G with seven out of 14 regions having coverage of below 80%. 

Kunene has less than 50% 4G population coverage. 

CRAN's CEO stated there remain great opportunities for the private sector investment and local participation in last-mile connectivity, most notably mobile 4G broadband.

This is more so in underserved communities such as Kunene, Oshikoto, Kavango West, Zambezi, Omaheke, Otjozondjupa and Hardap regions.

Nghikembwa indicated that,  MTC and Telecom have extensive network coverage in all of Namibia's regions, but there remains room to increase the footprint to ensure 100 population coverage.

Photo Credits
Celma Ndhikwa