Journalists may not belong at the top of the list, but they certainly are among the essential workers.
Many times, they spend family time and days away, but it is important to use this time of year to build relationships, according to Menesia Muinjo, the nbc's Chief of News and Programming, who also encouraged respect for family values.
They live for breaking news, scoops, deadlines, and remarkable stories.
Early mornings and late nights are a small price to pay for getting people the information they need—or even shaping the news cycle.
Menesia Muinjo is one of the national broadcasters' seasoned journalists, and for years, spending time with family during times such as the festive season became less common, compared to years when current technology was available.
Reminiscing on the days when the holiday season was something to look forward to so that you could spend time with your family, technology has now made things much easier away from home.
The profession doesn't always feel compatible with having any other serious responsibilities, such as a family to take care of, and it's about balancing journalism, parenthood, and family figures because news is news, says Muinjo.