BAS offers children’s holiday programme
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Youngsters from the Basketball Artists School in Windhoek are filling their holiday programme with exciting sporting activities, while other youth are roaming the streets. Situated at the Katutura Youth Complex, BAS is an after school programme that has “Education First Basketball second” as a their slogan. BAS was founded in February 2010, thanks to the support of the German non-profit organisation ISIBINDI e.V, which aims to provide a better perspective on life for disadvantaged children in and around Katutura, focusing on academic tutoring, life skills and basketball. More than 40 children between the ages of 11 to 16 are registered with the center. Despite schools closing during the holidays, the center will continue with its operations for the next two weeks through a special holiday programme. The youngsters are grateful for what the center offers to them as most of them would be alone at home or in the streets, not doing anything constructive. BAS has arranged for the children to go do bowling , laser tacking and Go- Karting during the holidays. All this will happen on top of their normal Basketball training sessions.


Katrina //Gowases