NAFPU and NFA labour case referred to a conciliator

The arbitration hearing in which the Namibia Football Players’ Union (NAFPU), wants recognition from the Namibia Football Association (NFA) has been referred to a conciliator and it will be heard on the 16th of next month. Officials from both NAFPU and NFA appeared before arbitrator Nicolhas Mouers at the Labour Commissioner’s office today (25 October 2016). In the notice of the hearing, the Union wants the arbitrator to order the football association to respect and uphold the recognition of the union as an exclusive bargaining agent under the jurisdiction of NFA. The union has also asked the arbitrator to direct the NFA to establish a players '' status committee as per Football International Regulations on Status and Transfer of players and a Dispute Resolution Chamber.” The players' representatives further request the NFA to establish regulations that protect contractual stability and pay due respect to mandatory national laws enshrined in FIFA regulations. Mouers moved the hearing to the 16th of November, for the arbitrator to determine the outcome of the case. Both parties are urged to identify the disputed issues, propose options, and endeavour to reach an agreement. Our efforts to get comments from both parties prove futile.


Breshneff Katjaimo