The water interruptions caused by frequent breakdowns and pipe bursts at Katima Mulilo will soon be something of the past.

This comes after NamWater commissioned the water pipeline replacement project on Tuesday.

The existing water pipeline is over 40 years old and requires replacement as it has become inconvenient, causing water supply interruptions.

Zambezi Governor, Alufea Sampofu, said the Katima Mulilo Raw Water Pipeline replacement project is a step towards improving the quality of life for the inhabitants.

Sampofu's message was delivered on his behalf by Kabbe Noth Councillor Bernard Sisamu.

"Water is the lifeblood for all living organisms and is true for our region as well. It cherishes families, sustains our agricultural activities, drives local businesses, and supports essential services such as healthcare and education. Without reliable access to clean water, our ambitions for economic growth and social development would be severely hampered."

Sampofu also emphasized that the new pipeline will enhance the capacity of water supply.

"For Katima Mulilo, this means increased resilience against water shortages and a boost to economic activities. Reliable water access will support local farmers, stimulate businesses, and encourage further investment in our region. It will also improve the delivery of services in our hospitals, schools, and government institutions. In short, this project is an investment in the future of the Zambezi Region and its people."

NamWater's Chief Executive Officer, Abraham Nehemia, appreciated the central government for mobilising funds for the water sector to finance projects such as the Katima Mulilo Water treatment plant that will be coming soon.

NamWater is expected to spend N$10.56 million on the old raw water pipeline replacement.

Nehemia noted that the project is a key component of Namwater's broader strategy to secure water for all Namibians.

"The new pipeline will significantly improve the reliability of water conveyance from the Zambezi River to your treatment plant, safeguarding water supply for Katims Mulilo and surrounding areas for decades to come. This infrastructure upgrade is not just a response to the present challenges but also a forward-looking initiative designed to meet the increasing water demands of a growing population and economy."

He implored the inhabitants to guard against vandalism of infrastructure and illegal connections.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Sililo Mubiana