PAY keeps youth off the streets

‘The group Physically Active Youth (PAY) keep Namibian youngsters off the streets with a well-thought out after-school programme. Situated in the heart of Katutura, at the youth complex, the Physically Active Youth (PAY) offers an after school programme for under-privileged children from grade 1 to 12. The facility offers activities such as feeding, life skills, academics and sports. The children take part in various sports activities, such as soccer, chess and cycling for both girls and boys. Sports and Life skills Co-ordinator Thuba Sibanda says they try to not only have the kids play at the centre but to partake in sporting events outside the facility. She further said they have five teams registered currently, with the Khomas Youth League and also with the Girls and Goals league. These teams include 5 soccer teams, chess and cycling. Caleb Encarnacion-Rivera, a volunteer from America said an organisation like PAY also provides that environment of community, which is so essentially important for the development of young people, not just here in Namibia, but across the world. The kids told NBC sport being at PAY not only helps them perform well at schools but doing sports keep them fit.


Jenneth Gaoses