Tara Rally launched

Members of the Windhoek Motor Club, who are organising the ever-popular Tara Rally, have promised loyal spectators that they will present an unforgettable event this year. The Tara Rally, which made its debut in 1969 and has since been held every year, was launched in Windhoek yesterday. New sponsors and new management were all present at the event at the Tony Rust track. Despite losing Total, one of its biggest sponsors early this year, the organisers did not sit back, but instead secured several new sponsorships in an effort to keep the tradition going. Before the official proceedings could take off, media representatives were treated to a firsthand navigating experience. The chairman of the Windhoek Motor Club, Richard Slamet, who also doubles as the winner of last year’s event, said the club wants to right the wrong. "After organizing the rally for more than 47 years some things were looked over that shouldn’t have , the people responsible took responsibility for it and excepted their fault. What we did this year is we brought in officials from South Africa very well trained officials, not to say that our Namibian officials are not well trained but as everyone know Namibia is quite small and every one knows each other so we brought in fresh blood, people that know our rule book pretty well" added Slamet The event which was in the past hosted over three days will now only last two days. Four more stages have, however, been added. Secretary General of the Namibia Motorsport Federation Christiaan Liebenberg gave the host club his blessings and applauded them for having secured the needed finances to stage Namibia's flagship racing event. "It’s the biggest Rally in Namibia, we are proud to be associated with you guys. I think it’s going to be one hell of an event. Good luck" said Liebenberg South African Rally ace Derek Jacobs, who is the Clerk of the Course, is no stranger to the Tara rally, having started as a marcel in 1991. Jacobs thanked the organisers for entrusting him with a huge responsibility. He alerted participants to new rally challenges. "Whilst the stages might look very familiar don’t be fooled by it because we have taken some time to change them and to bring some variation and more excitement" said Jacobs Entries to the rally will be officially accepted as of today and will draw to a close on the 16th , with organisers expecting close to 30 submissions. This year will see the 48th edition of the rally on the 18th and 19th of this month.


Katrina //Gowases