Winds picking up at Luderitz

NATANGWE JIMMY The winds are starting to pick up in the Lüderitz Speed Challenge and surfers aim to break the world speed record, which currently stands at 53.2 knots. They also compete to improve their personal best times for their respective countries. Lüderitz was previously identified by the organisers to host the 2017 World Speed Challenge for the abundance of wind, which is a crucial element in the sport as explained by organizer Mark Grinnel. “We have been to a number of events this year and there have been virtually no winds, so no event this year has also been really challenging because the winds been a bit light but yesterday was good" Grinnel said. In order to achieve the best speed, riders depend on favourable wind conditions, but skills and mental strength are equally as important,” believes Grunnel. Fifty wind surfers from around the world have flocked to the South of the country for this year's Speed Challenge. “ The nice thing about wind surfing is that the equipment can be smaller, so you pick the equipment. I’m not on the same equipment as the other guys. I’m on smaller, softer, slightly easier-to-sail equipment. It may not be as powerful, but then again I’m not as powerful so it fits me. It's, in any case, hugely important for women to be involved in all sport", Zara Davis, the women's wind surfing champion explained after she revealed that the sport makes provision for women in equal terms. Riders push themselves beyond their own abilities. And this, according to the organisers, is what makes this sport code extraordinary. With the winds at Lüderitz picking up, event organisers hope that the 2017 World Speed Challenge will end with a number of records broken.

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Natangwe Jimmy