Woman referee's future looks bright

Referee assistant Vistoria Shangula is said to be heading in the right direction to become a top match official and represent Namibia at international competitions. This was said by Namibia Football Association (NFA) referees administrator Absalom Goseb. According to Goseb, Shangula has been in the referee’s development structures for four years and the 25-year-old is developing well to become a good match official. Goseb has been monitoring Shangula's progress as there were initially three women who started together. Shangula, however, is the only one who remained while the other two gave up eventually. Shangula started officiating in the Khomas under 13 League for a full season. She was then promoted to the under 15s where the NBC sport team found her on duty on Thursday. She could have been progressing slightly quicker, but was held back by the fact that she is still playing football. Goseb further said the more Namibian female referees the country gets the more impressive for FIFA it'll be. He said Namibia had one female referee accredited by FIFA last year in Queen Manga, but she was dropped from this year’s list. She was the only one from Namibia on the FIFA panel and that made it difficult as FIFA wanted a group of officials from one country when allocating games. On her part, the Tura Magic striker told NBC sport that she prefers being an assistant rather than a referee. She further said despite having so much love for being a match official, she will first pursue her football career.


Chester Uamunika