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Over 60 taxis curbed off the road for operating illegally in a span of a week


More than 60 taxis were curbed off the road for operating illegally in a span of a week. 

This was enabled by a new application that is fast and effective in identifying registered and non-registered taxis. 

During their patrols, the City Police usually made calls to confirm if the operating taxis were registered, which was a lengthy and ineffective process at times.  

However, with the new operating system identification is instant.

Chief of City Police Abraham Kanime says some of the unregistered taxis are used to commit criminal activities. 

Legal row between Chief Kanime and CoW continues in Windhoek High Court


A going legal row between Chief of the City Police Abraham Kanime and the City Council continued in the Windhoek High Court.

The council wants the City Police Chief to repay salaries paid to him by the municipality since his re-appointment in May 2020.

The Windhoek City Council in its court papers is demanding that Kanime pay back about six-comma-eight million dollars.

These include all salary payments, 13th cheques, as well as monthly housing and car allowances paid to him when he was allegedly appointed unlawfully.