Truck hijackings in South Africa a concern - NARETU


The Namibia Revolutionary Transport Union (NARETU) has expressed concern over the growing trend of truck hijackings in South Africa, saying it places the lives of the drivers at risk.

The union is therefore calling on employers to put immediate rescue plans in place to safeguard the lives of the drivers.

Two die in truck collision on Trans Kalahari Highway


Two truck drivers died and one other was injured in a multiple truck collision on the Trans Kalahari Highway in Botswana on Friday.

The Trans Kalahari Corridor Secretariat (TKCs), says five trucks have been involved in the road crash, caused by poor visibility as a result of a veld fire.

Walvis Bay battling to maintain its roads due to high volume of traffic


Walvis Bay is battling to maintain its roads and the high volume of international traffic, including trucks, transporting goods increases on the harbor town's roads.

This was highlighted by the town's Mayor, Trevino Forbes, during Council's first ordinary meeting.