Two sewer reticulation projects completed in Ongwediva Town Council


The Ongwediva Town Council has completed two sewer reticulation projects to improve sanitation.

The first will ensure sewer reticulation at Extension 15, while the other will secure the same for the location, Sky Phase 1.

Both projects, costing N$15.2 million, were officially inaugurated by the Urban and Rural Development Minister.

Ongwediva Mayor Taarah Shalyefu says an application for sewerage connection normally costs more than N$2,000, but the council considered the economic situation of residents, who can now be connected for free until December.

Local authorities warned against irregular and unprocedural appointments


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, has warned local authorities against irregular and unprocedural staff appointments.

Uutoni sounded the warning following a closed-door engagement with political office bearers and the administration of the Karasburg Town Council over controversies surrounding the appointments of the Acting CEO and Personal Assistant to the Mayor.
The Council headhunted Kallie Goliath and appointed him to the PA position, which is non-existent in the structure.