City of Windhoek clears Farm 508 for affected flood victims


The City of Windhoek (CoW) has established a relocation site for flood victims at Farm 508 close to the Goreangab settlement.

The city has so far put up eight of the fifty tents donated by the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and is busy clearing land for those who wish to set up permanent structures.

|Khomas Regional Council delivers food parcels to flood-affected residents


The |Khomas Regional Council, together with the Office of the Prime Minister, handed over food parcels to Windhoek residents affected by the flash floods. 

According to the Chief Regional Officer of |Khomas Regional Council, over 280 households and 1,186 individuals have been affected directly. 

Oikuku, Ohamukwata now have potable water


Residents of Oikuku and Ohamukwata villages in the Ohangwena Region now have access to potable water after three decades of waiting.

The project is being carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform and the Office of the Prime Minister at a cost of N$3.6 million.

Finance Minister tables N$4.8 billion additional budget 


The Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Iipumbu Shiimi, unveiled the financial adjustments during the presentation of the N$4.8 billion 2023–2024 Appropriation Bill.

An additional budget of N$643 million will go towards the drought relief programme under the Office of the Prime Minister.

Lack of grazing in Okakarara District a concern


Livestock farmers in the Okakarara District are worried as their animals have started to die as a result of a lack of grazing.

Most farmers say they cannot afford animal fodder.

An nbc News team driving through Okakarara witnessed malnourished cattle roaming around in search of grazing.

Drought programme to start earlier 


The implementation date for the livestock drought programme has been brought forward to July 1, 2023, instead of the initial October 1.