Swartbooi vs Katjavivi case starts in High Court


In what could turn into a legal precedent of titanic proportions, Bernadus Swartbooi, the leader of the Landless People's Movement, has taken on the Speaker of the National Assembly in a motion to review decisions taken by the legislative body.

The case started this morning in the High Court.

Law to address statelessness anticipated


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security is expected to table a bill in the National Assembly next month that aims to address the issue of stateless or undocumented individuals in Namibia.

NA speaker proposes motion on Cuba


The Speaker of the National Assembly, Professor Peter Katjavivi, has put forth a motion in parliament on Cuba.

NA speaker proposes motion on Cuba


The Speaker of the National Assembly, Professor Peter Katjavivi, has put forth a motion in parliament on Cuba.

Child rape continues unabated


A Grade 6 female learner was allegedly raped and later fell pregnant in the Oshikoto Region.

The police report states that the incident occurred between April and July of this year.

National Assembly tables 18 bills


Members of Parliament in the National Assembly have, over the course of the 7th Session, tabled 18 bills, of which two were private.

The lower house has now gone on recess until the 5th of September.

The 7th session, which commenced on June 27, saw MPs deliberating on a range of crucial bills.

MPs deliberate on Banking Institutions Act


Members of Parliament deliberated on the proposed Banking Institutions Bill 15 of 2023, a significant document aiming at updating the existing Banking Institutions Act of 1998.

LPM Calls for Recognition of Damara and Kavango Traditional Leaders


Landless People's Movement (LPM) leader Bernadus Swartbooi has informed the National Assembly of his intention to table a motion that would see the recognition of historical Damara and Kavango traditional leaders of the colonial resistance period of the German reign.