44-year-old teacher attacked in Zambezi's Chotto compound


A 44-year-old teacher in the Zambezi Region was attacked by unknown people in Chotto compound in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The victim has been identified as Axon Samupwa, who sustained serious arm and facial injuries.

Access to potable water remains a challenge at Sesheke


Access to potable water remains a challenge for many in rural areas.

A case in point is the residents of Sesheke in Zambezi's Kongola Constituency, who still walk distances to fetch water.

Surgical eye campaign in Zambezi and Kavango


About 700 people from the Zambezi and Kavango regions are undergoing cataract surgery in Rundu.  

This annual surgical eye campaign is about improving eye health and empowering patients to lead fuller, more independent lives. 

Two men arrested with contraband at Kongola check point


Two male suspects are in custody, and their truck was seized by the Namibian Police at Kongola after contraband was found in their possession during a routine search at the checkpoint.

The suspects, aged 27 and 37, respectively, are said to be employed by a local trucking company.

Parked truck catches fire


A Zambian truck driver narrowly escaped death at the Ngoma border post in the Zambezi Region when his parked truck caught fire while he was sleeping. 

The driver is reported to have arrived at Ngoma Post Tuesday morning from Zambia via Botswana in transit to Walvis Bay, transporting copper.