Nganate outlines a vision for community-driven progress in Omaheke


In his fifth and technically final State of the Region Address, Omaheke Governor Pijoo Nganate said grassroots development within the region is of utmost importance.

The Omaheke region is one of the sport port hubs in Namibia, with the hosting of various sporting events and programmes.

Omaheke Region SORA


The Omaheke Region has made some strides in terms of economic advancement, social progression, and human capital development despite challenges.

This was stated during the governor's State of the Region Address.

Residents of Omaheke's Ovinjuru village champion own development


Omaheke Governor, Pijoo Nganate, is pleased with efforts being made by the residents of Ovinjuru Village in Epukiro, including the set up of modern infrastructure for a preprimary school, an adult education centre, and the community garden project.

Health Promoting Initiative Benefits Omaheke Schools


All 47 schools in the Omaheke Region are part of the Health Promoting Initiative Programme, aimed at improving their health and strengthening the teaching environment for better performance.

Chinese Ambassador meets Omaheke leadership


Agriculture and education are among the sectors to be given priority in regional development.

This was highlighted at a meeting between the Chinese Ambassador to Namibia, Zhao Weiping, and regional leadership.

Namibia and Zimbabwe sign MoU


Namibia and Zimbabwe signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the areas of agriculture, industrialization, human capital, and local governance at Gobabis.