Education Minister urges teachers to address systemic challenges


Education, Arts, and Culture Minister Anna Nghipondoka has called on teachers to work harder, identify challenges in the system, and address them to improve performance. 

She made these remarks at a meeting attended by the educators, from the heads of departments down to the learners.

Teachers in relationships with learners warned


The Director of Education in the Kavango East Region, Christine Shilima, has warned teachers who are engaged in sexual relationships with learners to refrain from such conduct. 

Dr. Lemmer High School celebrates its 75th anniversary


In a jubilant celebration of 75 years of commitment to empowering learners and shaping future leaders, Dr. Lemmer High School marked this milestone with the Nedbank Relay Championship competition.

The event was filled with various activities, including the 100, 200, and 400-metre runs. 

Education Ministry awards best performing in ||Kharas Region


The Directorate of Education Arts and Culture in the ||Kharas Region awarded the best-performing teachers, learners, and schools with certificates after the recently released performance statistics by the Directorate of National Examinations.

Education evolve in the Kavango Region since before independence


Education is often referred to as the key to a successful future, and it is compulsory for a Namibian child.

Before independence, it was an achievement in the Kavango Region for one to produce good results. Schools in the Kavango Region were constructed based on traditional jurisdictions.