SWANU wants streets named after colonial figures renamed after Old Location activists
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Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

The president of South West Africa National Union (SWANU) says streets with colonial names should be renamed after activists who died in the Old Location Massacre 61 years ago. Dr Tangeni Iyambo says stories about those who died in the uprising ought to be taught in schools. The SWANU leader says that the party has always demanded to be provided with the names of everyone, who died at the hands of the Apartheid force. Eleven people, including Kakurukaze Mungunda, were killed and more than 40 others were wounded when the apartheid administration opened fire on Old Location residents, who refused to be moved to Katutura. He stressed that no African state has gained credible independence. Iyambo said high levels of poverty and landlessness persist following compromises African governments made with European countries, in order to gain independence. The SWANU president has criticised global superpowers for the exclusion of Africa from having a seat on the United Nations Security Council. He has further criticised the global human rights guidelines and policy saying that they do not reflect the hardship endured by people across Africa. Iyambo demanded an end to all forms of discrimination against women. He made the remarks during SWANU's commemoration of "Old Location Day" in Windhoek yesterday.