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More than a hundred men gathered in Windhoek for the Shift Men's Conference, where they engaged in discussions on issues affecting them, including mental and physical health, finances, and spirituality. While women's empowerment conferences have often made headlines in recent years, there is a growing recognition of the need to create spaces where men can openly discuss the challenges they face.

At the Shift Men's Conference, men were given the opportunity to connect with experts in various fields, ranging from finance to mental health, fitness, and spirituality.

Bruce Hansen, a finance expert, stressed the importance of financial planning and responsibility:

"How many of you have a will? If you were to pass away today, would there be clarity, or would disputes arise? Have you made provisions for your spouse or created separate wills? Knowing the truth will set you free. Pay off your home mortgage—you don’t want to be 60 and still paying off a home loan."

Adam Nzuzi, a mental health expert, spoke passionately about the emotional struggles many men face:

"We don’t often give boys the chance to express their pain. Society teaches them they need to be strong, but true strength comes from recognizing and understanding emotions. If you don’t seek help or talk about it, the pain never truly goes away."

Pastor John Kamati emphasized the importance of leadership in the home and relying on spiritual guidance:

"When you conform to the culture around you, you lose sight of what matters. The Bible says a good man leaves an inheritance for his children—this should be your priority. People may criticize you, but when you're accountable to your family, it's easier to say no to outside pressures."

Motivational speaker Sam Shivute explored themes of the mind, power, and the importance of applying knowledge:

"Something significant and meaningful is bound to come out of this gathering, but for that to happen, you need to apply what you've learned. It only works if you put it to good use."

The conference allowed men in attendance to engage with the speakers, ask questions, and share their personal experiences. One attendee, Flex Amunya, highlighted the mental health challenges many men face:

"As men, we go through a lot when it comes to mental issues. I went through a phase where I lost my job, and it was difficult, but conferences like this offer us a space to speak up and find support."

The Shift Men's Conference was a powerful reminder of the importance of creating spaces where men can come together to grow, learn, and support one another in all aspects of life.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Selima Henock