Swapo Party Secretary General Sophia Shaningwa has called for a mass turnout of voters for the Guinas Constituency by-election to be held this Friday.
Speaking at the campaign rally at Tsintsabis, Shaningwa expressed confidence in the party candidate Moses Khumub to continue with the development legacy left behind by the late Councillor Elia Martinu.
Shaningwa says Khumub is the right candidate to continue with the party's development agenda as enshrined in its manifesto.
She added that the party will ensure that it delivers on its promises when the new leadership takes up office in March.
"We are going to put the manifesto of Swapo into full implementation, and therefore you must see them so that tomorrow when the implementation of Swapo is not done, it's because of them, but they are more than ready to make sure that they implement, assisting the councillors here."
Swapo Party candidate Moses Khumub also spoke at the event.
"The hope of Guinas is the hope of Tsintsabis. The hope of Tsintsabis is the hope of Oshivelo; it's the hope of Umxao, Ombili Orbloom. This is the home that, as I have said, is in the manifesto, and that manifesto is where we are centred to understand that we are in the good hands of the party that has never let us down before independence and also after independence."
About 4,200 registered voters are expected to go to the polls.
The constituency has five fixed polling stations at Oshivelo, Tsintsabis Primary School, Namutoni Gate, Farm Oshivelo, and Farm Ondera and four mobile teams for the outskirts.