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The Supreme Court has withdrawn an appeal by Professor Mutjinde Katjiua, in which he sought to stop Vipuira Kapuuo from wrongly claiming to represent the OvaHerero Traditional Authority.

In a letter to Professor Katjiua's lawyers, the Supreme Court said that there's no sign that he met the security requirement as per Rule 14 or that the other side waived their security right.

Because of Professor Katjiua's failure in this matter, the appeal was withdrawn.

Last year, Mutjinde Katjiua went to the Windhoek High Court.

He wanted to prevent Vipuira Kapuuo from acting as the representative of the OvaHerero Traditional Authority or the authorised Acting Paramount Chief.

Katjiua explained in his written statement that he became the Paramount Chief of the OvaHerero through his election.

However, High Court Judge Herman Oosthuizen decided that Professor Katjiua couldn't legally act on behalf of the OvaHerero Traditional Authority.

The Judge also said that the situation wasn't urgent.

Professor Mutjinde Katjiua was installed as Ombara Otjitambi of the OTA last year, chosen by one part of the group, while Dr. Hoze Riruako was also inaugurated as OTA leader this year by a different faction.



Emil Seibeb