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NC MPs raise concern on some parts of Marriage Bill


The National Council members still expressed reservations regarding the proposal to legalise same-sex marriage in Namibia, citing traditional norms where such unions were not historically recognised. 

They also continue to oppose the proposed age of consent of 18 years in the Marriage Bill, advocating for an older age requirement. The Redline marriages are another bone of contention in the chambers. 

MPs observed that the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage has stirred animosity among the populace and emerged as a significant concern for Namibians.

former MP Geoffrey Mwilima fights for his release


The Supreme Court will hear an appeal by imprisoned former MP Geoffrey Mwilima on Thursday.

The 68-year-old Mwilima has been in jail since August 1999, following his arrest in the wake of secessionist attacks that took place at Katima Mulilo in the then-Caprivi Region.

Late last year, the former lawmaker failed in his bid to get a High Court order for his release from prison.

Mwilima wants to be released on medical grounds, disclosing that he suffers from diabetes and kidney ailments.

Supreme Court invalidates foreigners' acquisition of land


In a landmark ruling, the Namibian Supreme Court delivered a verdict on a contentious land acquisition case, overturning parts of a High Court judgement. 
The case involved the transfer of shares and a lease agreement for Farm Eengezind No. 97, located in the District of Okahandja, between a Namibian and a foreign investor.

The case centred on the acquisition of shares in Weissdorn, a company that owns Farm Eengezind No. 97 in the Okahandja District. 

Witboois are without a Kaptein


It is back to the drawing board for the Witbooi Royal House, following a failed appeal to the Supreme Court by the sitting Kaptein Hendrik Ismael Witbooi.

The Supreme Court Justice Rita Makarau dismissed the appeal by the sitting Kaptein and concurred with the judgement of the High Court in the main. 

The three justices on the bench agreed that issues of traditional leadership succession should best be resolved by the concerned traditional communities, preferably not through acrimonious litigation in courts.

Supreme Court reserves judgement in home repossession case


The Supreme Court today reserved judgement in a case that has been running for over 20 years, in which a litigant refuses to part with his house after a default judgement was issued by the Registrar of the High Court in 2001.

Hewat Beukes and his spouse, Erica Beukes, approached the Supreme Court to grant an order declaring the registrar's directives to sell their house invalid.

Paragon Aviation ground handling services at HKIA


Lawyer Sisa Namandje says Paragon Aviation is prepared to commence its ground handling services at Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA).

This decision comes subsequent to the High Court's rejection of an appeal initiated by British-owned Menzies Aviation.

The appeal was directed against a prior High Court ruling mandating Menzies Aviation to vacate the premises of Hosea Kutako International Airport.

Supreme Court withdraws Katjiua's OTA appeal


The Supreme Court has withdrawn an appeal by Professor Mutjinde Katjiua, in which he sought to stop Vipuira Kapuuo from wrongly claiming to represent the OvaHerero Traditional Authority.

In a letter to Professor Katjiua's lawyers, the Supreme Court said that there's no sign that he met the security requirement as per Rule 14 or that the other side waived their security right.

Because of Professor Katjiua's failure in this matter, the appeal was withdrawn.

Last year, Mutjinde Katjiua went to the Windhoek High Court.

Supreme Court dismisses Prof. Katjiua's appeal


The Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal filed by Professor Mutjinde Katjiua against a ruling handed down by the Windhoek High Court in April 2022.


The highest court of appeal has notified Katjiua that he failed to meet set requirements, and that his appeal is withdrawn, as no further steps were taken.


Mutjinde Katjiua last year approached the Court seeking an order interdicting and restraining Vipuira Kapuuo from acting on behalf of the applicant and/or being the duly authorised Acting Paramount Chief of the OvaHerero Traditional Authority.

Supreme Court rejects AR - GRN Land servicing agreement's enforceability


The Supreme Court has upheld an appeal against a judgement of the High Court, which dismissed an exception to a land servicing agreement case.

The case involves the government and the Affirmative Repositioning (AR) Movement, a social movement advocating for land reform and housing rights.

The matter before the court concerned an alleged agreement in which the government committed to servicing 200,000 housing plots nationwide within two years.

Lady Justice Rita Tambudzai Makarau sworn as Acting Supreme Court Judge


In a step towards promoting demographic diversity in the Namibian Judiciary, Lady Justice Rita Tambudzai Makarau was sworn in today as an Acting Judge of the Supreme Court.

The ceremony, held at the Supreme Court in Windhoek, was attended by members of the legal fraternity and dignitaries.

Chief Justice Peter Shivute emphasised the importance of a judiciary that reflects the diverse makeup of the nation and highlighted the concrete steps taken to increase female representation on the Supreme Court Bench.