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Supreme Court settles long-standing dispute within the vaShambyu Traditional Community


In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court has settled the long-standing dispute within the vaShambyu traditional community regarding the succession of their Hompa.

The court upheld the designation of Sofia Mundjembwe Kanyetu as the Hompa and brought an end to the avenues for an amicable resolution that had been exhausted.

The case, which centred around the designation process and the customary law applicable to the community, has finally reached a conclusion, bringing an end to years of uncertainty.

Swapo to seek legal advice on Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage 


The Swapo Party President, Dr. Hage Geingob, says the party will seek legal advice on the Supreme Court's ruling regarding same-sex marriages conducted outside Namibia.

He was speaking at the Party's Central Committee meeting in Windhoek today.

The Supreme Court ruling mandated the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security to acknowledge same-sex marriages performed in jurisdictions outside Namibia between citizens and foreign spouses.

Jerry Ekandjo rejects Supreme Court ruling on the issue of same-sex marriage


Swapo Party veteran parliamentarian Jerry Ekandjo has rejected the recent Supreme Court ruling on the issue of same-sex marriage, stating that it is unconstitutional in Namibia.

Motivating his motion rejecting this ruling in the National Assembly, Ekandjo argued that the Constitution, as drafted by its founding fathers at the Constituent Assembly, explicitly states that marriage should be between a consenting man and a woman.

Rundu Christian Community denounces Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriages


The Christian community in Rundu, in the Kavango East Region, has joined the nationwide demonstration in denouncing the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriages solemnised outside Namibia.

They expressed concern that this ruling could establish a precedent for future legal challenges against laws criminalising sodomy and other same-sex practises.

The demonstrators marched through the streets of the town to express their opposition to the Supreme Court ruling.

Supreme Court reserves Minister Utoni's appeal application


The Supreme Court has reserved judgment in an appeal application by the Minister of Urban and Rural Development against an interim interdict to stop recognizing Sofia Mundjembwe Kanyetu as Hompa of the Vashambyu Tribe in the Kavango East.

The appeal comes after the High Court ruling by Justice Thomas Masuku granted the interim interdict by Maria Ukamba Haindaka, who had been nominated for the position of Hompa along with Mundjembwe Kanyetu.

Three-judge Supreme Court bench dismisses fishrot accused's appeal


A three-judge Supreme Court bench has dashed all hopes of bail for six 'Fishrot' accused when it dismissed their appeal against the High Court's refusal to grant bail.

The appellants challenged a discrepancy between the transcribed version and the signed version of April 11, 2022, judgment.

However, the Supreme Court ordered in its judgment that paragraph 81 of the signed judgment be removed so as not to conflict with the transcribed one.

Supreme Court dismisses bail appeals of six of the Fishrot accused


In a major development in the 'Fishrot' fishing quota fraud and corruption case, the Supreme Court has dismissed the bail appeals of six of the men charged in the case. The decision was announced earlier today.

Former Justice Minister Sacky Shanghala, his business partner James Hatuikulipi, former Fishcor Chief Executive Officer Mike Nghipunya, Pius Mwatelulo, Otneel Shuudifonya, and Phillipus Mwapopi lodged their appeals after their bail applications were dismissed in the High Court in April last year.

Namibia to experience crisis of retiring High Court and Supreme Court judges 


Both the High Court and Supreme Court are to be hit by the retirement of a number of judges within the next five years.

Chief Justice Peter Shivute describes this as a national concern, as far as how the departing judges will be replaced.

There are five permanent judges of appeal at the Supreme Court and thirty at the High Court.

The anticipated retirements that will have an impact on the courts of law are explained as occurring for personal reasons prior to retirement age.

The process of replacing and recruiting judges is already proving difficult.