Olympic Silver Medalist Christine Mboma has ventured into the fashion industry with the launch of her clothing line, "Mboma Streetwear," a few months ago. In an interview with our producer Victorine Kaaronda, Mboma shared her insights on the brand's progress and future plans. Mboma Streetwear, initially a dream for Christine Mboma, has become a reality with support from celebrities and the general public. The athlete briefly discussed the current status of the brand, mentioning the ongoing work on the website to facilitate online orders.

‘’We are busy with our website and working on it in order for clients to start working on our website. Orders can also be made on Instagram and the items will then be courierd to their respective places, so far the brand have been selling well’’

Currently, customers can also place orders through Instagram, and the items will be delivered to their respective locations. Mboma expressed satisfaction with the brand's sales performance thus far. The brand has garnered significant interest, particularly in the unisex hoodies that quickly sold out during the winter season.

Now, the focus is on expanding the brand beyond Namibia and creating new collections for the upcoming summer season. Mboma mentioned receiving inquiries from people abroad regarding the availability of the brand overseas. While currently only available in Namibia, she expressed her anticipation and plans to sell the brand in other countries as well.

‘’I have a few messages from people abroad inquring how we can get the brand overseas, but as for now the brand is only available in Namibia but I am looking forwar to selling it in other countries as well’’



Photo Credits


Victorine Kaaronda/ Anna Namene