Authored on
Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

This week, the 5th Omusati Regional Council's Wellness Sport Week started at the Olufuko Cultural Festival Centre in Outapi.

Sports Producer Erickson Tapiso with more.

Since its inception in 2015, the regional council's annual wellness sports week has been hosted in various regions to unite regional council members through sport activities.

Representatives from 14 regions, including staff members from the  Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, are participating in the week-long sporting event.

The five sport codes that will be contested are football, netball, tug of war, volleyball, and athletics. 

Speaking at the official opening of the sporting event was Erastus Uutoni, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development.

'' I'm honored to have been invited [to join you at this important gathering of the 5th Regional Council annual wellness sports week that is being hosted here at Olufuko Festival Center in Outapi I'm also happy to know that our ministerial team has been working hard for the past few weeks for this important games.''

Meanwhile, at the same event, the Omusati Governor Erginus Endjala emphasized teamwork, unity, and togetherness to be the focal point of all the participants. 

'' Today we are gathered not only to showcase our skills and sportsmanship but also to raise awareness for the cause that resonates with us and our backgrounds They teach us valuable lessons of teamwork, and perseverance in pursuing the essence but today our sporting endeavor carries an even more significant meaning as we come together to champion a cause to our hearts. ''

A draw for the next event was also conducted at the opening, whereas Kavango West was selected to host the next edition. Should they not be able to do so, Oshana region will be next in line to take over.

The 5th Regional Council's Annual Wellness Sport Week is expected to end this Friday, the 15th of September with a prize-giving ceremony.


