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The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, has threatened the Karasburg Town Council with suspension if it does not reverse irregularities related to non-compliance with applicable laws and prescribed administrative processes.

In a letter to the council last week, Uutoni directed them to take corrective measures for the irregularities he highlighted.

Failure by the council to demonstrate its full commitment to all directives and any non-compliance, he warned, will leave him with no option but to dissolve the council as per the Local Authority's Act, Section 92.

Minister Uutoni pointed out that the council irregularly changed the banking signatory powers, made illegal appointments, misused the council's vehicle assigned to Mayor Maria Veldskoen, and involved councillors in awarding tenders.

According to him, it was reported to him that since the illegal change to the banking signatory rights, payments exceeding N$900,000 have been made from the council's bank accounts.

He warned that these payments are deemed unauthorised and that those who have signed off on them will be held accountable.

Veldskoen confirmed receiving the letter in question and added that the council has instructed its lawyers to respond to the minister's letter.

She argued that the council enlisted the services of the lawyers to avoid herself, Acting CEO Hansiena Isaak, and council's management committee member Fransiskus Skeyer, who faces corruption charges related to illegal appointments and changing banking signatory rights, being prejudiced.

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nbc Digital News


Luqman Cloete