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Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

Like all struggles in life, obtaining an education does not come easy. It requires sacrifice, dedication, and hard work.

These were the wise words of Swapo Party President Hage Geingob, who was speaking at the graduation ceremony of the second intake of the Swapo Party School.

Men and women are adorned in their graduation gowns, and what distinguishes them from any other are the colours of their hoods.

The Swapo Party School, among others, aims to develop the expertise and skills of its cadres to enable them to contribute to the strengthening of the party ideology and the advancement of its political and developmental agenda.

"This means you have to use your intellect and knowledge to become instruments of change in our society and beyond the borders of our country. You must be able to apply your knowledge to ensure that SWAPO delivers on its electoral promises", says the president of the Swapo Party.

The President also pointed at those whom he says complain and claim that Swapo Party leaders have not delivered, while they have not offered any tangible results.

"Governance is not a simple matter of just talking or quick fix populist solutions; it demands grit, determination, consultations, and hard choices to ensure that our actions and decisions as Swapo Party leaders in government should positively impact and improve the lives of our citizens." 
It is also imperative that liberation movements such as Swapo continuously innovate to remain relevant and ensure that their functionaries are well equipped to deal with 21st century issues.
The Swapo Party President said it is time that the party intellectuals conceptualise, discuss, and formulate ways in which the discovery of new industries can be best utilised to bring about social transformation.

All patriotic comrades, and especially you, the enlightened graduands of the Swapo Party School, must therefore rise up and rally behind the efforts of the Swapo Party government to defend, protect, and promote the budding gains in the Second Struggle for Economic Emancipation of our citizens.

Dr. Geingob also stated that the Swapo Party School Board Members and Lecturers have been seized with an assignment of the 2nd Struggle for Economic Emancipation through Socialism with Namibian Characteristics, which will be finalised soon before discussion at the Politburo.


Photo Credits
Swapo Party of Namibia


Laimi Hainghumbi