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Omusati police will intensify their presence and visibility in the community by executing random patrols to maintain law and order and ensure that people are safe during the festive season.

This was stated by Omusati Police Regional Commander Ismael Basson in an interview with nbc News.

Commissioner Basson says he wants the festive season to be safe, peaceful, and crime-free.

He advised drivers travelling to various destinations to drive carefully to arrive alive and ensure the safety of their passengers.

Commissioner Basson also called on road users to respect the speed limit and abide by traffic rules and regulations at all times.

"We don't expect them to drink and drive, and if you are on the road, your speed limit is what makes the difference. Let us make sure before we travel that our cars are roadworthy, our drivers are roadworthy, you have that in place, you are secured, and you are having a safe journey."

Shebeens and bar owners are expected to operate according to their licenses to avoid fines and arrests.

Commissioner Basson is disturbed by the most common crime committed in his region, which is the rape of minors. He says such crimes are usually concealed, and parents and guardians are called upon to protect the girl child at all times.

"We are calling on the families, fathers, aunts, if you detect anything wrong with the girl child report, forget about being the father bread winner; anybody that commits a crime must be dealt with accordingly; and also, rain season is upon us, water is all over, and what we notice during the festive season is people leaving young minors with other minors at home while they are out there enjoying their parties. That is wrong. We are going to charge people for negligence. We already have two cases in court where parents are charged with being negligent for leaving kids with other minors."

He reminded people to alert the police or their neighbours about their absences from homes, as criminals take advantage to break into houses during the festive season.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Tonateni Haimbodi