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The Health Defence League has taken legal action against the government, accusing it of imposing COVID-19 regulations such as allowing experimental vaccines to be administered to people with drugs not approved by the Namibian Medicine Control Council as per the law.

A member of the league, Henk Mudge, says the vaccine has long-term side effects on people.

The aim of the Health Defence League is to defend basic human rights, freedom of choice, and freedom of speech under the constitution.

The DHL stressed that people's rights were infringed upon during the COVID-19 pandemic when some measures were imposed, such as social distancing, the wearing of masks, the banning of autopsies during the COVID-19 period, and allegedly subjecting people to the injection of unapproved vaccines.

Describing the nature of the case as serious, member of DHL Henk Mudge echoed that the government must answer all questions around the issue.

Mudge is confident that they will win the case and won't back down in defending the rights and health of all Namibians. 

''We will go until this court case has been concluded properly, and we hope that the judges will be impartial about this issue.''

''That court case is another manifestation of mischievousness and abuse of court cases. We have conducted ourselves in a manner that is beyond reproach. We have given the information; we have gotten the health products to save lives, and in fact, we have saved thousands of lives. I'm not going to commend the court case the merit of it because it is still under consideration by the courts, but suffice to say that it is really premised on falsehood.''


Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Celma Ndhikwa