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A 23-year-old Ziggy Shivute's dreams of joining the Namibian Defence Force were shattered after being shortlisted for training recruits, only to be sent home with an alleged medical misdiagnosis.

Ziggy Shivute, the oldest of four siblings, eagerly anticipated the opportunity to serve in the NDF. However, his excitement was short-lived when NDF medical doctors claimed he had a fungal skin infection and deemed him unfit for training. 

Disheartened, Shivute sought a second opinion at Katutura Hospital, where he was diagnosed with Tinea versicolor, a treatable and non-contagious condition.

Shivute expressed frustration, stating that the NDF doctors only conducted an observation test without considering his overall health. He firmly believes he was misdiagnosed and is now left seeking justice to reclaim the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity he lost.

Shivute's stepfather, Joseph Aiaseb, voiced disappointment with the government's handling of the situation. 

He recounted the family's joy at seeing Shivute shortlisted, only to have it abruptly taken away. 

Shivute's dismissal has taken a toll on his mental well-being, leaving him distant and depressed. 

The family has written letters to the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs, hoping for a reconsideration of the decision. 

The Ministry of Defence said their doctor's decision is based on the set standard and maintained that Shivute's condition can be spread through skin contact or through towels, clothes, and floors.

The ministry therefore maintains its stance.


Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Hendrina Kanyolo