The Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Creation has clarified the delay in extending the Collective Bargaining Agreement in the construction sector, citing a submission error by the concerned parties.

The Ministry, in a statement, refuted allegations by the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Unions (MANWU) that it is delaying the process, emphasising its commitment to due process and legal requirements.

MLIREC Executive Director, Lydia Indombo, says, "The Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Creation (MLIREC) would like to clarify the cause of delay regarding the extension of the Collective Agreement in the Construction Sector while at the same time distancing itself from the accusations levelled against it by the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Unions (MANWU)."

The delay is said to stem from the wrong version of the Collective Bargaining Agreement submitted by the Construction Industries Federation (CIF) and MANWU in October last year.

Despite following protocol by notifying the Ministry of Justice and initiating the Gazette publication process, the incorrect agreement was inadvertently used throughout the administrative procedures.

Upon discovering the error in February this year, CIF submitted the correct version to the Ministry, requiring a restart of the extension process.

The ministry emphasised its readiness to promptly restart the extension process.

"The Ministry would like to categorically state that it has no reason whatsoever to delay such or any other application. The parties to the agreement should rather communicate the right information to their members and non-parties to the agreement who were anticipating an extension of the collective agreement that it could be delayed due to the submission of the incorrect agreement."

As efforts are underway to rectify the error and restart the extension process, the Ministry reiterated its commitment to ensuring a fair resolution for all parties involved.

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nbc Digital News


Donald ǂKariseb