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Breaking barriers and inspiring change was the aim behind the "Little Black Dress" event held under the theme "Silver Lining."

The initiative was dedicated to empowering women from all walks of life. 

Spearheaded by Liezel Ndjaronguru, this year's event also focused on including men and the boy child in its mission to promote empowerment.

Speakers at the event included local personalities Hilda Basson-Namundjebo, Helena Ngaifiwa, and finalists from the Miss Namibia 2024 pageant, as well as Miss Namibia CEO Umbi Karuaihe-Upi and others.

Speakers at the event highlighted the importance of affordability, ensuring that women from diverse backgrounds could engage and gain from the empowerment opportunities provided under the initiative. 

"We try by all means to accommodate women that cannot come; that's why we reach out to gentlemen to say, "If you want to bless a lady, please do it. We have nine ladies who were blessed by gentlemen. These are all unemployed women; these are people that don't have salaries," said Ndjaronguru.

The event not only featured inspiring talks but also provided attendees with practical advice and guidance.

Beauty experts and fashion consultants shared valuable insights about their specialities.

Despite the prevalent challenges confronting women today, including gender-based violence (GBV), women found solace in a night of unwinding and dancing.



Johanna !Uri#khos