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Former refugees are demanding from the government that they be treated as war veterans and receive benefits just like others.

The group consists of individuals who were repatriated in 1989. 

They feel discriminated against, particularly with regard to veteran benefits. 

The petition calls for specific actions from the government to address their longstanding issues, urging Defence and Veteran Affairs Minister Frans Kapofi to take immediate action to rectify the situation.

"Minister Kapofi, we sent you several letters, we even have some questions that we asked him that you even needed to answer, so we are here today for the answers. I hope you prepared for us," says group leader Rauha Katingo.

The demands include N$40,000 for each one of them as well as project funding.

The Minister of Defence & Veteran Affairs, Frans Kapofi, says, "The first letter that I received towards the petition was for July 12. On July 12, you asked for the distribution of all individual Veteran Project cash payments. Do you want that to be done? You want to be done? It is being done, and if it didn't reach you, you should just wait, it will just come, because we are giving what we have. If today we are given a sufficient amount of money to disburse, we will do so, but if not, we will just have to wait until such time. 

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NBC Digital News


Johanna !Uri#khos