With only about two days to go before the voter registration ends, the Keetmanshoop Urban Constituency still has the lowest voter registration turnout among the seven constituencies in the ||Kharas Region.

With the highest number of eligible voters registered in the region at 16,838, figures released on Saturday show that only 11,214 eligible voters registered, which equates to 67%. 

In total, the region recorded a 780% voter registration turnout, something that could be attributed to the high number of migrant labourers in the region, says Jejamieje Mujoro. ECN Election Officer in the ||Kharas Region.

"A constituency like Karasburg West, we have the largest plantations. Most people will know that our dates and grapes come from that constituency. That constituency has a lot of migrant labourers who  just come for that particular season, so that creates a lot of challenges because you would recognise that the time, for instance, NSA would do the counting would be a high peak season, and when registrations are happening, it could be a low peak season."

The Keetmanshoop Rural Constituency has achieved more than 100% voter registration turnout.

"We have been using the communication structures of the farms, like the two-way radios and WhatsApp platforms of the farmers to inform our public at large to come and register at the registration venues.  So, I will really also thank the farmers for coming up in large numbers at our registration venues. And for this time, they also make time for workers to come and register," said ECN Supervisor in the Keetmanshoop Rural Constituency, Gertruda Apollus.

Mujoro was optimistic that the region would achieve more than 90% voter registration come Thursday.

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NBC Digital News


Luqman Cloete