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Stakeholders in the oil and gas sector have launched a new 'omni-channel', meant to create an official channel of communication among players in the industry and the broader public while educating citizens on how they can get involved in the emerging oil and gas sector. 

With eager exploration and recent discoveries of oil and gas, many Namibians are pondering the question of whether these resources will benefit them at all. 

The Managing Director of Countdown Investments, Hilda Basson-Namundjebo, says this is the reason behind the launch of the 'Wells to Wheels' initiative—to educate and provide a platform from which Namibians can interact and be involved in the oil and gas sector.

Mines and Energy Minister Tom Alweendo hailed the project as valuable in terms of insight and information sharing, bridging the gap between industry professionals and the general public, for the broader benefit of Namibia.

"Wells to Wheels will take us on a journey of collective discovery where we hope to explore more than natural resources, but where we hope to jointly discover information and where we can develop our people through shared understanding. I am thrilled to support this initiative and to engage with both international and local oil and gas companies, as well as Namibians present today. Wells and Wheels is also about managing expectations. Expectations where some are reasonable and where others are completely off-tangent. It is my hope that through well-structured communication we will ensure that expectations are properly aligned with the reality of how these discoveries will impact our lives."

Wells to Wheels means to close the information gap through podcasts, held in all 14 regions, mixed with street activations and knowledge sharing on the industry as it relates to Namibia.



Hendrina Kanyolo