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The Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) has expressed satisfaction with the recent general registration of voters and appealed to the Electoral Commission to ensure free and fair elections.

At a media briefing, the IPC commended the ECN for achieving a milestone with 91% of eligible voters registered by the 1st of August. 

The party launched its "Go out to Register Campaign" on June 1, aimed at boosting voter participation across the nation.

IPC commended the ECN for overcoming challenges during the registration process and being responsive to queries and issues. 

Over 1.4 million eligible voters registered for this year's polls, compared to just over 1.3 million registered during the 2019 elections, marking an increase of approximately 109,000 potential voters. 

Despite the successful registration, the IPC National General Secretary Christine !Aochamus emphasised the importance of maintaining integrity in the upcoming elections. 

"The high voter registration turnout is a clear indication of Namibians' eagerness to participate in shaping their country's future. It is a testament to the strength of our democracy and the desire of our people to engage in the electoral process."

The party urged the ECN to ensure that the upcoming elections reflect the will of the Namibian people by being free, fair, and transparent. 

The IPC also called on all political actors, including the media, to adhere to the code of conduct during the election campaign. 

The party strongly condemns political intimidation, intentional misinformation, violence, sabotage, and propaganda. 

"Let us all engage the electorate respectfully, ensuring every contender has the right to exercise the provisions of Article 17 of the Namibian Constitution," the spokesperson said. 

!Aochamus called on all Namibians to vote for what she termed "the only viable alternative," endorsing IPC presidential candidate, Dr. Panduleni Itula.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Daniel Nadunya