The revised limited edition of the book, 'Lüderitz: A Journey Through Time', celebrating the harbour town's unique heritage while highlighting its promising future, was launched this week. 

The book recounts Lüderitz's evolution from a thriving southern fishing town, renowned for its rock lobster and diamonds, to a period of economic decline. 

Equally, it captures pivotal moments that have defined the town's history, including its post-independence renewal.
The renaissance of Lüderitz is particularly attributed to the establishment of fishing companies like NovaNam, which revitalised the town's industrious spirit and fostered new growth among residents.

Through the detailed recounting of past events and a look at current developments, the book provides a comprehensive view of the town's transformation and enduring vibrancy. 

The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Derek Klazen, officially launched the book. 

"The importance and relevance of capturing the many and varied facets of Luderitz through time in a book is so that all of us can remember our past and our present to make for a better future for all in the town, the region, and indeed our country, Namibia."

The revised publication was sponsored by NovaNam. 

Edwin Kamatoto, the Managing Director of NovaNam, said, "As we launch this book today, we continue to celebrate a story of faith, a story of hope, a story of trust, and also that of the partnership that was forged on Independence Day between the town of Lüderitz on which this book is based. Facilitated through the government of the day at independence and of NovaNam. As a Lüderitz-based fishing company, we have contributed immensely to the rich history, and we are deeply pleased and honoured."

Co-author Dr. Angel Tordesillas hinted that the final edition of the book is expected to be released next year. 

"The final edition will be released before the next Lüderitz Crayfish Festival, in which we will have about 20 more pages than this one, and we will state all the new events that are happening in Lüderitz, the green hydrogen, kelp blue, the launching of tourism facilities, and really it is something that will appear in the next edition that is in the process of being made."

Photo Credits
Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company


Luqman Cloete