A fairer Namibia, characterised by an educated youth, healthcare, and affordable housing, with sufficient investment in the areas of tourism and renewable energy.

This was the vision All People's Party Member of Parliament Linus Muchila expressed for the nation in delivering his maiden speech in the National Assembly on Wednesday. 

Muchila replaced Erastus Shuumbwa, who has resigned from the National Assembly.

Muchila ranks fifth on his party list for the National Assembly.

Pointing to Namibia's high youth unemployment rate, he called for the creation of jobs in tourism and the renewable energy sector based on better investment in these. 

Muchila also called for more vocational training to help young people gain skills.

"We must improve access to quality education, healthcare, and affordable housing. Our approach is not just about redistributing wealth but about creating opportunities for all to thrive. One key initiative is the Basic Income Grant (BIG), aligned with Article 95(j) of the Namibian Constitution, which mandates the enactment of legislation to ensure that the unemployed, incapacitated, indigent, and disadvantaged receive social benefits. The APP recommends the implementation of the BIG, targeting unemployed Namibians between the ages of 21 and 59."

Muchila highlighted the need for better infrastructure in underdeveloped areas and expressed his commitment to addressing the housing crisis.

He also suggested reforms to improve pensions for the elderly; suggested underpaid security guards be integrated into formal jobs; and called for changes to land ownership laws to honour traditional leaders.

Muchila urged members across party lines to reduce the gap between the rich and poor.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Martha Mwafangeyo