Countries will continue to rely on the indispensable contributions of the business community and the private sector. 

President Nangolo Mbumba reiterated this during the Private Sector Forum on the Summit of the Future, held at the UN Headquarters, attended by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

He said governments have a responsibility to create conducive policy and regulatory environments to attract and facilitate private sector investment in projects.

These are further aligned to government priorities to boost economic growth.

Dr. Mbumba highlighted the pivotal role of the private sector in employment creation, advancement of technology, provision of essential infrastructure, and innovation.

He said these are key enablers for sustainable development. 

‘’We need leaders from the private sector to step up and accelerate action on the Sustainable Development Goals. We need partnerships with the private sector to help finance key transitions and to bring innovation in international cooperation’’, Mbumba said.

Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


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