The Geoscience Council of Namibia, the Geological Society of Namibia, and the Society of Economic Geologists are hosting the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) 2024 Conference. 

The conference focuses on addressing challenges and identifying opportunities associated with the increasing global demand for critical metals, such as lithium, cobalt, and rare earth elements.

Topics to be deliberated include the latest geological findings, new resource discoveries, and the technologies driving exploration and extraction in a way that balances economic growth with environmental responsibility.

The former president of SEG, Laurence Robb, said the primary aim of the conference is to address the evolving demand for critical metals essential to modern technologies. 

Attendees from different countries will share insights on the current state of the industry, emerging technologies, and strategies for sustainable development.

The Geoscience Council of Namibia's President, Anna Nguno, stated that the aim is to advance the field of economic geology while considering the impacts on the environment and communities.

The SEG24 initiative is sponsoring over 100 students and educators from across Africa. 

This support not only broadens access to valuable knowledge and networking opportunities but also helps nurture the next generation of geoscientists.

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Lucy Nghifindaka