

Police say their calls to seek clarity from prosecutors regarding the provisional withdrawal of the murder case of 31-year-old Keetmanshoop resident Elleste Plaatjie have been met with silence.

Plaatjie's murder case was provisionally withdrawn at the Keetmanshoop Magistrate's Court on September 2nd.

The prosecution gave 'incomplete police investigations' as a reason for the provisional withdrawal of the murder case, in which two police sergeants of the special reserve force stand accused of killing Plaatjie.

According to the Regional Crime Investigations Coordinator of ||Kharas, Commissioner Nicodemus Mbango, his office has not received the docket from the prosecution since the matter was withdrawn on September 2nd.

He said the police are not informed on exactly what the prosecution meant when it stated that the 'Police investigations are incomplete.'

Commissioner Mbango said his office reached out to the prosecutors a month after the matter was removed from the court roll, asking for the docket, but has not yet received the case file.

nbc News has further learnt that the prosecution, before provisionally withdrawing the matter, had instructed the investigating officer to hold an identification parade for witnesses to identify the suspects.

However, the police reportedly objected to this request, saying that the two suspects had already appeared before the Court and had been published by various media outlets and that an identification parade would not serve any purpose.

This could be the only reason for the provisional withdrawal, the police suspect.

Two members of the Police's Special Reserve Force were arrested at Keetmanshoop in connection with the death of Plaatjie. 

Officers Bernard Mulisa and Wilbard Neshuku were subsequently charged with murder and assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

The 31-year-old was allegedly assaulted in a police combi by Special Reserve Force members after he was found on the side of the road with an alleged bag of cannabis.

Plaatjie died in the Katutura Hospital, a week after his assault.

The two officers are out on bail of N$3,000 each, with no bail conditions attached.

Responding to enquiries regarding the matter, Prosecutor General Martha Imalwa clarified that she is currently out of the country, but from the information available to her, the investigation remains incomplete. 

At this stage, Imalwa said she is unable to confirm whether the docket is still with her office saying that she would need to consult with the relevant staff member before providing further comments.



Emil Xamro Seibeb