The Landless People's Movement (LPM) held its rally for the upcoming Guinas by-election in Tsintsabes on Saturday. 

Addressing the crowd, LPM's  Chief Change Campaigner Bernadus Swartbooi said the party is against the incorporation of the Guinas Constituency into the Nehale Constituency. 

The orange colour dominated the crowd as LPM supporters cheerfully welcomed their party leader to Tsintsabes.

 Swartbooi raised a concern that the previous Guinas Constituency Councilor appeared to have endorsed the incorporation of the two constituencies.

"You want to bring about 12,000 people from Nehale that speak the same language into this community which community numbers between 6,000 to 8,000 people that they see as an attempt to dominate their voice and undermine the ability to express themselves democratically,"

ECN Spokesperson, De Wet Siluka says the incorporation of constituencies is not within the powers of a councillor, but the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission, if that were to happen.

Swartbooi also claimed that there are people from the northern towns who are registered as voters in the Guinas Constituency, for which LPM will seek clarity.

Siluka clarified that all registered voters are the residents of Tsintsabis.

Meanwhile, Swartbooi said the illegal invasion of land in Tsintsabes is a concern.

"And that invasion has resulted in many of the San community losing out land for potential farming. It can not be accepted because the number of people here seems to be growing and what will they have left for their generations to come?"

Fransiskus ||Khumub is the LPM candidate. He promised that he was  "Not a tribalist but I have to fight for my Hai||om people with whatever the challenge we will face as a Guinas Constituency we will stand together and fight together with our community."



Eveline Paulus