Only a handful of taxi drivers showed up for a meeting organised by the Namibia Bus and Taxi Association in Khomasdal on Wednesday.  

The meeting was meant for all public transport service providers to tackle pertinent issues, such as illegal transportation and criminal activities within the transport sector. 

The meeting was also to iron out pertinent issues within the local transport sector. Even though there are several players within the transport sector, taxi drivers made up the majority at the meeting. 
NABTA leadership says public transport concerns can only be addressed if all service providers pull together in one direction. 

Illegal transportation, for example, is a thorn in the flesh of many drivers countrywide. 

Public Transport providers are also unhappy with those who rent out permits, saying existing regulation leaves too much room for exploitation. 

Earlier this month, NABTA arranged for a defensive driving and first aid training course for public transport service providers. 

The training, which was provided for free, was aimed not only at reducing the dangers associated with driving but also to familiarise public transport operators on how to behave and even assist at accident scenes.

Photo Credits
online desk
Frances Shaahama