Namibian-born Christian Scholtz is in the country to introduce his latest documentary, "Journey Back Home," which is a personal account of his visits to various places and the discussions he has had with old friends. 

Christian Scholtz has lived in Germany for the last 40 years. He first returned to Namibia, the country of his birth, to vote in the first democratic elections in 1989 and has since returned regularly. In this film, he reflects on his connection to and his history with the country.

The premiere of the film will be screened this Saturday at 18h00 at the Deutsche Evangelische Lutherische Gemeinde in Windhoek. 

There will be more screenings at various places in the country, mainly in the south and Swakopmund. 

The second screening in Windhoek will take place on the 21st of October in Katutura at a venue still to be announced.

Photo Credits
Gender Based Peace


Catherine Sasman