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The Ministry of Health and Social Services says the rise in pregnancy and early marriage as well as HIV infections among adolescent girls is a cause for concern.

The rate of teenage pregnancies nationally stands at 14.95%, translating to more than 15 thousand pregnancies per year. 

The Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Kalumbi Shangula, revealed the dilemma of teenage pregnancies at the handover of reproductive health kits and contraceptives worth N$200 million.

This was done in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund and the Japanese Government.

During 2021–2022, Kavango West recorded the highest rate at about 24%, Kunene at 23%, and Kavango East at 21%.

The |Khomas Region recorded the lowest at 7,4%.

"Our young people, especially young women, deserve to be educated and empowered to protect themselves and to make the right choices regarding reproduction at all times. It is equally important that young men must be instilled with the understanding that they should respect the wishes and rights of women. This must become the norm in our society."

The health kit comprises mental health devices, male condoms, injectables and contraceptive implants. 

The Japanese government has also committed to assisting Namibia in its efforts to deliver effective services. 

Noriaki Sadamoto is the Charge d'Affaires at the Japanese Embassy.

"For the international community to strengthen cooperation in order to overcome the crises together and to promote human security for all, this is the basis of Japanese development assistance. It aims to advance nation building through empowerment and protection of individuals to live happily and in dignity."

The United Nations Population Fund pledged to continue supporting Namibia in the area of family planning.

Photo Credits
New Era Newspaper


Lucia Nghifindaka